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        How to Successfully Hunt Spring Turkey


        By Brian Magee  

        Spring Turkey Hunting Preparation

        Every year in late winter, as cabin fever begins to set in, we start to think about spring turkey season. As Mother Nature allows, we gradually begin to disc plots, frost-seed our clover and chicory and use prescribed fire on our native warm-season grasses. Fire—in addition to management practices such as food plots, timber management and predator control—can dramatically increase turkey activity on your property.

        Fire suppresses unwanted plants and weeds, increases the palatability by encouraging new tender growth and improves wildlife habitat. In early spring, turkeys find these areas to be a great source of food.

        While predators such as coyotes and bobcats are much easier to avoid in freshly burned warm-season grasses, mature toms find these burns irresistible—they are incredible places to seek out hens and put on a show, fans out, in full strut.

        Spring turkey hunting

        Spring turkey hunting at its finest.

        The Hunt

        A few days into the spring 2021 turkey season, we found ourselves set up on an area we had burned several weeks prior. While driving into the property, we located a big tom strutting in the middle of the burn. He had a single hen with him but she was giving him the cold shoulder as she fed along the edge of a creek.

        Several fingers of mature oaks separated us from the birds and we used them to our advantage as we cut the distance using woodlots for cover. A small pond at the edge of the woods meant the end of the road for us. We had cut the distance as much as possible and now only a few hundred yards separated us from where we had seen the strutting tom just 30 minutes earlier.

        I crawled across the burned grasses to get the decoys in place—hen and jake decoys were now easily visible from nearly every direction. As I set up, questions began to flood my head.

        Is the tom still in this area? Are there any wild turkeys in the area?  Will he hear my calling in the wind? Which way will he come from?

        We settled into a large clump of partially burned cedars and began to call.  I was slightly forward of my buddy, Chris Walls, who had volunteered to run the camera that day. Several minutes went by with no movement and no response from the tom we had seen earlier.

        After nearly 30 minutes of periodic calling, I heard a faint gobble in the distance. Chris and I shared a quick glance to confirm that we had both heard what we thought we had heard. The tom was a long way away and had quite a distance to cover. Yet, still he had answered my call and that alone boosted our spirits considerably.

        After that first gobble, things happened fast. As I called, the tom would immediately respond and occasionally cut me off. All the while, we could tell he was getting close with each subsequent gobble.

        The bird had committed and, within just a few minutes, had closed the distance by several hundred yards. I had to shift positions slightly. The tom decided he was coming right over the top of the pond dam to look for the hen that was making all of that sweet racket.

        I heard him before I saw him. Although the tom neared, he remained hidden—the unmistakable sound of drumming just over the lip of the pond dam meant that he was close…real close!

        Sightmark Wolverine red dot sight helps hunters take aim quickly

        The Sightmark Wolverine red dot sight helps hunters take aim quickly.

        Finally, the glimpse of a patriotic red, white and blue head over the edge of the pond damn made my heart race even faster! One last gobble and the body language of the old tom completely changed. He had seen the decoys! The tom was now focused on fighting his competition.

        He cruised into the decoys at a brisk pace, dragging his wingtips and puffing out his chest. He passed by the Avian hen decoy without a second look and immediately began to beat up on the poor jake with well-placed wings and spurs!

        Lining Up the Shot

        As he continued, I stared intently, directly down my shotgun barrel at the unsuspecting gobbler. The Sightmark Wolverine’s bright red-dot reticle followed the tom’s head as he danced around the jake. Chris whispered the confirmation I needed that he was on the bird and rolling.

        While Chris was ready, I was not. I needed to let him clear the decoy just a bit to avoid putting pellets in my plastic prizefighter!

        The click of the safety and a slight squeeze of the trigger left the tom laying on the ground between the decoys. A quick high-five with my cameraman and I ran out to gather what turned out to be another incredible bird off one of our Oklahoma properties.

        Property management and the right equipment played a huge role once again in the form of another successful spring turkey hunt. They don’t always end with smiles and high-fives but they do always end in an education. Make an effort to learn something every time you are out in the woods or on the water and it is sure to make you more successful in the future.

        Wild turkey management, and wildlife management overall, is eminently important. Spring turkey hunters should always follow hunting regulations which includes observing bag limits, obtain turkey tags and having a proper hunting license, as well as adhering to public lands etiquette if you’re not on private property.

        Turkey hunting

        It was a successful hunt for all.

        About Brian

        Brian is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, but has spent most of his life in the Oklahoma City area. He achieved a life-long goal of becoming a firefighter in 2003 and is now a part of the Oklahoma City Fire Department as a Lieutenant. His love for the outdoors, hunting and fishing began at a very young age thanks to a family who shared that same interest.

        He grew up with a fishing pole in hand and began hunting with his dad around the age of 6. At the age of 14, he received his first hunting bow for Christmas and his love for bowhunting was born. He has been bowhunting for over 25 years and has had the privilege of harvesting many animals.

        While he spends most of his time hunting and fishing, reloading also ranks high on his list of hobbies. He is married to a very understanding wife and enjoys every minute they spend together.

        Do you have a successful spring turkey hunt story? Share it in the comment section. 

        Hog Hunting 411: Shot Placement


        Whether you’re hog hunting with a bow or rifle, effective shot placement comes down to a hog’s body position at the time of impact—most often the position the pig was standing in at the time of the shot.

        Of course, the flight time of a bullet or arrow may allow for slight point-of-impact changes and usually not for the better. To that end, make sure you’re shooting within your level of confidence.

        Note that many of these shot-placement rules also apply to big game, whether you’re hunting on public land or private land.

        Tools of the Trade

        bow hunting, shoot behind the ear, back crease of the front shoulder or the armpit

        When bow hunting, shoot behind the ear, back crease of the front shoulder or the armpit (heart.)


        Equally as important as shot placement is ammo—for bowhunters, this equates to arrow and broadhead setups and honestly, your bow setup as a whole. For bowhunting, I am currently shooting Carbon Express Maxima Red 350 arrows tipped with either 100-grain Zeus Broadheads (fixed/hybrid) or 100-grain Xecutioner Xpandables (mechanicals.)

        I trust both in terms of razor-sharp blades, function on impact, large cutting diameters and field-point type flight. They have yet to let me down, and the number of hogs I’ve harvested is proof-positive of that!

        Rifle Hunting

        I have killed countless hogs in the United States with both bolt-action rifles and gas-operated, semi-auto AR-platform modern sporting rifles. I enjoy hunting with each equally but for different reasons, whether I’m after a single monster from far off or enjoy the challenge of manual bolt-cycling for follow up shots, or I’m simply making as much bacon as possible out of any number of corn-thieves I run into. Either way, the caliber of bullets I choose have similarities.

        With respect to rifles, I’ll break down my personal favorite caliber choices for hog hunting into three different rifle platforms—bolt-action, AR-10 and AR-15. Caliber choice is also subjective and this shortlist is clearly not all-inclusive. The point being, if you prefer another caliber, use it.


        • .308 Winchester
        • 6.5 Creedmoor
        • 6.5 PRC


        • 6.5 Grendel
        • 6.8 SPC
        • Sharps Rifle Company .25-45
        • .224 Valkyrie
        • Winchester’s .350 Legend
        • Wilson Combat’s .300 HAM’R

        Worth mentioning, .22- and .28-Nosler, .450 BM, .458 SOCOM and .500 Beowulf also are picking up steam here in Texas. As a final note, yes, .223/5.56 are still popular but I prefer cartridges offering some combination of larger case capacity, higher velocity or a larger, heavier bullet.


        • .308 Winchester
        • 6.5 Creedmoor

        The buzzworthy .375 Raptor is also getting some air-play and Phoenix Weaponry’s rimless .45-70 auto dropped jaws at SHOT Show and NRA Annual Meetings—I personally witnessed Phoenix Weaponry founder, Aaron Cayce, take a hog completely off its hooves using his Christine model rimless .45-70. It’s a nightmare for feral hogs.

        Hybrid AR-15/AR-10

        A solid hybrid AR-15/AR-10 choice creating buzz is Wilson Combat’s .458 HAM’R. This big-bore cartridge designed for AR systems is another sure-fire nightmare for hogs. The hybrid nature of the .458 HAM’R requires a Wilson Combat receiver set, BCG and barrel.

        The AR-15, AR-10 and a bolt-action in .308 or 6.5 Creedmoor make excellent hog guns

        The AR-15, AR-10 and a bolt-action in .308 or 6.5 Creedmoor make excellent hog guns.

        You Can’t Hit It if You Can’t See It

        Optics are critically important for proper shot placement. My archery optic setup is great for daytime shooting but specifically designed to facilitate successful shooting when I bow hunt most often—at night.

        Rifle-mounted optics also should be purpose-driven based on distance, day or night shooting, etc. For daytime optics at longer ranges, I prefer traditional riflescopes, even first-focal-plane if my environment can accommodate increased magnification.

        For close- to mid-range shooting, I prefer red dot optics, more traditional second-focal-plane riflescopes (like the Sightmark Core TX MR 4-16x44mm) or I simply jump straight to thermal imaging. For night hunting, I certainly prefer a thermal riflescope, although, depending on weather, sometimes digital night vision is a wiser choice. Either way, let purpose determine your optic.

        The Wraith is a powerful, 24-hour hunting optic!

        The Wraith is a powerful, 24-hour hunting optic!

        Broadside Head and Body Shots

        For broadside shots within your comfort zone, the best shot to stop wild pigs in their tracks is just behind the ear—the earhole also makes a great point of aim. A shot in this area penetrates the brain—lights out, instantly.

        If you’re not comfortable with ear-shots or your shooting a bow, shooting directly at the back crease of the front shoulder, no more than mid-line of the hog’s body height, preferably one-third up from the bottom edge of the body gives you a great opportunity at lungs.

        Lower on the same crease, just a couple inches above the lower body line, in what I refer to as the armpit area of the hog, is the heart; of course, heart- and lung-shot hogs can still run. Be prepared to track blood depending on your environment.

        Hog hunting can be a challenge!

        For a rifle hunter electing to take a broadside body-shot, shooting through the shoulder is also quite effective. When a hog is standing at true-broadside, not angled toward or away from the shooter, this shot generally results breaking both shoulders and destroying either the lungs or the heart. Broken shoulders obviously make running away tough at best, and blood-tracking a cinch. Seasoned hog hunters often quip, “Pin the shoulders together and they won’t go far.”

        Front-Facing Shots

        If you intend to shoot a pig facing you, aim at the center of the forehead just above the centerline of the eyes to penetrate the skull and brain, or at the center of the chest, although this point-of-aim is often obscured by the hog’s snout and jaw. Bowhunters should not attempt either of these shots.

        Rifle hunters should wait until the feral hog’s head either exposes the chest or, for a head-shot, is at a natural forward-facing position (looking in your direction), not looking up, down or to the side. These head positions can result in missing the brain or even deflection, especially with respect to large boars and sows.

        For a rifle hunter electing to take a broadside body-shot

        For a rifle hunter electing to take a broadside body-shot, shooting through the shoulder is also quite effective.

        Quartered-To Shots

        For bowhunters, shots on pigs quartered toward the shooter are risky—a fair amount of bone from the sternum, ribs and closest shoulder make the shot difficult; thus, in my opinion, should not be taken. Rifle hunters have an easier time penetrating vitals than bowhunters.

        For a “quartered-to” shot, aim to the inside of the closest front shoulder, between the shoulder and vertical midline of the chest—the amount of shift for good shot placement can change depending on the hog’s degree of angle toward you; however, determining the angled point-of-entry required to penetrate organs should be easy. If you cannot make such a determination, wait for another shot within your level of confidence.

        Quartered-Away Shots

        Determining point-of-aim while hog hunting in a quartered-away position is easier and more desirable, especially as it relates to bowhunters and the big boys. Large boars generally have a ridiculously tough, often thick, shield covering the front shoulders and sweeping back over the vitals.

        A quartered-away shot from a bow allows the bowhunter to slip behind the shield for much deeper penetrating shots. For lower-poundage bowhunters engaging large hogs, this shot may be the only reasonable choice for an effective kill.

        Sightmark Wraith digital night vision scope

        The Sightmark Wraith digital night vision scope detects targets out to 200 yards

        Rifle hunters using appropriate hunting ammo should not have issues with penetrating a hog’s shoulder or shield, making quartered-away and broadside shots perfect opportunities for easy shot placement. For quartered-away shots, aim for the front edge of the opposite forward shoulder.

        As your point of aim relates to broadside shooting, keep shots no higher than mid-way up the hog’s body, preferably at one-third for a solid lung shot or just a couple inches up from the bottom edge of the body profile, in the “armpit” area for a heart-shot—again, expect the hog to run a short distance—even up to 100 yards. The only dead-in-its-tracks, anchoring shots I see are brain and spine shots; however, the latter often requires follow up shots—definitely not ideal.

        As a final note on quartered-away animals, the greater the degree the animal is facing away, the more apt a shooter is to lose the aiming reference of the front edge of that forward shoulder. In addition, as the angle increases, the potential for making a double-lung shot decreases, allowing a shot hog to run further.

        Do you bow or rifle hunt? Maybe you do both! What do you think about shot placement? Tell us in the comment section.

        How Much Riflescope Magnification Do I Need?


        Magnification is a wonderful feature for any type of ocular, camera, microscope, or telescope. Knowing the correct amount of riflescope magnification you need is paramount for shooting activities.

        Without going deep into the science, just know magnification involves specially-built convex lenses bending light rays, so the light converges when it meets your eyeballs.

        This essentially tricks your eyes into seeing something differently (bigger or smaller) than it really is.

        This is how we can see microscopic bacteria and far-away planets, and for the purposes of this blog, shooting targets with a rifle.

        Settling Your Magnification Needs

        But, the question remains – how much riflescope magnification do I need? It depends entirely on your purpose.

        Are you hunting? Competitive shooting? Engaging in self-defense? For each unique purpose, a different riflescope magnification might be used.

        Basically, the general rule is you want the least amount of magnification that can still give you a clear image of your target.

        A Sightmark Citadel Riflescope

        A Sightmark Citadel Riflescope

        Sightmark currently manufactures several series of riflescopes: Latitude, Wraith, Citadel and Core among others. Each of these riflescopes offers varying degrees of magnification.

        The Citadel Series has a model able to magnify objects 3-18X their true size, whereas the Wraith magnifies 3-24X. For comparison, a high-powered telescope can magnify celestial objects 250X their true size.

        More magnification is not always better. A high magnification yields a smaller field of view, making it harder to locate an object, or to stay on target of a moving object.

        Again, the question becomes, what is your purpose?

        The Correct Magnification To Make Your Mark

        The Correct Magnification To Make Your Mark

        For long-range or competitive shooting, more magnification is preferential, right? Then, you can see your target more closely and pinpoint your shot.

        Unfortunately, the laws of physics dictate when magnification is doubled, an image gets 4X dimmer.

        So, most long-range scopes have a large objective lens (to let in more light). Therefore, in poor light conditions, more magnification is not always better.

        In good lighting, for long-distance shooting, more magnification is ideal, but not if your target falls out of view.

        Consequently, a larger-appearing target will increase the amplitude of tiny movements, such as muscle tremors and breathing.

        Use high-powered magnification with caution, and do not be afraid to double-check your target with the naked eye to ensure your field of view is still safe for shooting.   

        For mid-range shooting or hunting, the optimal magnification level can be difficult to determine. On average, a 4X magnification should be adequate for game at 300 yards.

        Hunting With Sightmark Optics

        Most hunting takes place during dawn and dusk, in poor light conditions. This means mid-range shooters must make a judgment decision on the amount of magnification they use.

        Also, a good rule of thumb is to make sure you can see the entire body of your target. Then magnify until your target spot is clearly identifiable.

        Consequently, if your target moves, you may need to zoom out and refocus.

        But, this is preferential to taking a bad or unethical shot and scaring away your quarry permanently.

        Sightmark riflescopes

        Sightmark riflescopes are powerful magnification devices

        Close-range or ‘point-blank’ shooting is the most difficult and stressful type of shooting. You may be engaging an enemy combatant on the battlefield, a home intruder, or a game animal that wandered up to your position.

        For these situations, no magnification may be required at all, and there may be no need to adjust the elevation of your weapon or account for the effect of gravity.

        At close-range shooting, to achieve your objective, you may simply place your sights on the center mass of your target and fire. But, this simple ‘aim-then-fire’ philosophy can backfire, if you rush.

        If you ever find yourself in a close-range confrontation, remember a near-miss and a total miss provide the same result – a miss. Therefore, even at close-range, it is worth taking a deep breath, steadying your hands, and ensuring you strike your target.

        Low-Powered Variable Optics

        Many readers of this blog may wonder, what if I shoot competitively, hunt and want to engage in self-defense? What are my options for cost-effective scope shopping? Can any single product cover multiple scenarios?

        The short answer is…yes. Low-powered variable optics (LPVOs), including many of Sightmark’s Citadel Series, offer magnification ranging from 1-6X or 1-10X.

        These LPVOs cover nearly all your short and mid-range shooting purposes, and save you time and money, as well.

        LPVO, the Sightmark Pinnacle 1-6×24

        An LPVO, the Sightmark Pinnacle 1-6×24

        In the end, optimal riflescope magnification is a question of personal preference and situational demands. Long-range shooting typically requires more magnification. Mid-range shooting involves more variables. Closer-range shooting prioritizes speed over pinpoint accuracy.

        For your specific shooting distance, Sightmark offers a wide variety of riflescopes to match your needs.

        Do Laser Boresights Improve Accuracy?

        Laser Boresight

        A Laser Boresight Blog

        Boresights are awesome! These nifty little devices enable shooters to pre-align the bore of their firearm with the optics mounted atop it, whether it’s a scope, red dot or iron sights.

        All too often, a hunter concludes a hunting session by cleaning their weapon and storing it until their next outing. When they retrieve their weapon (usually after having transported it), they take the weapon to the range, look through the scope, and settle the reticle on the bullseye.

        They pull the trigger and hit a few inches to the left (or right) of the target.

        What happened? Well, either during the transport, or perhaps from the recoil of previous sessions, or maybe just from dropping the firearm, the sights have shifted slightly, resulting in a misalignment, and consequently, a missed shot.

        This is an even more embarrassing problem if a hunter goes straight to the woods and attempts to harvest an animal without ensuring their rifle is zeroed. Instead of a kill-shot, they may get an unethical gut-shot, which is a lose-lose for everyone. To avoid this issue, responsible gun owners use laser boresights.

        Laser Boresight Benefits

        The benefits of using a boresight are countless. Aside from the greatly improved accuracy, a boresight can save shooters a lot of money on ammunition during the live-fire zeroing process.

        Along with saving money, a boresight will also save time, allowing the shooter to get on paper faster. Finally, a boresight will save your shoulder from the recoil of a prolonged live-fire zeroing process – and who doesn’t want to avoid physical pain?

        Laser Boresight

        A Brief History

        According to opticsplanet.com, the oldest way to boresight is to remove the bolt on a bolt-action rifle and look down the bore. Position the gun so that it is pointing at your target, and then secure the gun so it won’t move.

        Then, without moving the gun, look through the scope and adjust the windage and elevation turrets until the reticle is centered on the bullseye.

        Now the weapon is boresighted, although this antiquated method is less accurate than using a laser boresight, and it likely won’t work on semi-autos, pumps, lever guns and most handguns.

        In recent years, great advances have been made in the science of boresighting. Magnetic and laser boresights are the most popular and effective, methods for modern boresighting.   

        Laser Boresight

        Laser Boresights

        In-chamber laser boresights are exceptionally easy to use. If you visit Sightmark.com and click here, customers can locate exactly which boresight they need based on caliber.

        There are options for pistols, rifles, shotguns and even crossbows. Once a laser boresight is purchased and delivered, it will become a staple of any credible shooter’s range bag.

        An in-chamber laser boresight is chambered like a regular round, and it will emit a red or green laser from the barrel of the firearm. Ideally, with a reflective target set about 30 yards away, the red laser beam will be visible.

        Then, the shooter merely needs to secure their weapon in place and adjust their scope until the reticle is aligned with the red laser. At that point, the shooter can retreat to 50 yards and re-center their reticle. Some shooters will repeat this process at 100 yards, though the red dot will be very difficult to see at that distance, especially in bright daylight.

        Again, this method will not ‘zero’ a rifle, but it will get the shots close enough so that minor adjustments are all that’s required during the live-fire.

        It’s worth noting that different calibers will fire at different speeds, with varying trajectory (due to gravity). If you ‘zero’ with a .223 at 100 yards, then you must continue using that same caliber to stay on-point.

        Basspro.com has an excellent article on choosing the appropriate caliber for your rifle and your prey animal.

        Laser Boresight

        Another benefit of a laser boresight is to quickly re-check zero. For example, if a shooter uses an in-chamber laser boresight and gets close to the bullseye, and then they shoot and get ‘zeroed’, they can document exactly where they shot from and where their point-of-impact is.

        Then, the following hunting season, or the following year, or whenever, the shooter can put the laser back in and verify that the laser is in the exact same spot. This will quickly get a shooter ‘zeroed’.

        On Accuracy and Ammo

        Now, it’s important to remember that a boresight will not make your gun 100% accurate. Live-firing is still necessary to fully zero-in a firearm.

        Different calibers have different weights and travel at different speeds, so not all ammunition is equally affected by factors such as gravity and wind, which changes points of impact.

        For your specific gun, you must choose the correct boresight for your optics. Also, you must always remember to remove your boresight before attempting to shoot – you don’t want to damage your firearm or yourself! 

        Final Boresight Thoughts

        Boresighting is a vital component of responsible gun ownership. It is just as relevant as firearm safety, cleaning your weapon and obeying the laws of wherever you’re shooting.

        Boresighting your weapon the old-fashioned way is still perfectly acceptable, and if that’s your speed, feel free. Most modern shooters, however, use laser boresights because they are quicker, cheaper and more reliable than any other method.

        If you want to join the ranks of reliable, responsible gun owners, remember to visit http://www.sightmark.com 

        What Testing Sightmark Riflescopes Undergo To Ensure Durability


        What Are Riflescopes?

        Riflescopes improve the accuracy and precision of a firearm. They work by magnifying the image of your target and showing a reticle that focuses the aim of the rifle. Riflescopes mount on the rear sight aperture of a firearm and work like a telescope. Testing riflescopes to ensure quality functionality is paramount to responsible 2nd Amendment practice.

        Shooters do not require any special training to use riflescopes. There are a variety of riflescope models available which can provide up to 50 times magnification of a target. Although higher magnification may not make you a better shooter, it undoubtedly helps.

        hunter with the Sightmark Core HX 3-9×40 Venison Hunter Riflescope

        A hunter with the Sightmark Core HX 3-9×40 Venison Hunter Riflescope

        Why You Make Your Mark With Sightmark

        Sightmark riflescopes undergo various evaluations before they are available to the public. It is important to test them in extreme conditions due to their technological features and sensitivities.

        Riflescope and red dot sights users encounter all kinds of environments and situations. It is essential for manufacturers to assess their durability and reliability before presenting them to the public.

        To ensure these scopes perform in the toughest conditions, manufacturers tryout their products with well calibrated, carefully planned procedures.

        Sightmark’s Citadel 1-10×24 HDR and Core HX 3-9×40 VHR are precision riflescopes. They undergo many of the following procedures to confirm their rugged reputation.

        Please note – Not ALL riflescopes undergo the same tests. Whether a scope is glass, night vision, thermal, aluminum, plastic, magnesium alloy or some other material will determine the exact tests it requires.

        Red dots and reflex sights undergo some of the same tests—and some different ones—as riflescopes.

        Riflescope and Optic Tests

        Impact/Recoil Shock Tests: We test rifle scopes for rigorous impact cycles at high G-forces. Cyclic impact helps determine the durability of the scope. These are perhaps the most important tests for riflescopes.

        After impact, they are inspected for damage and functionality errors. This is especially important when determining which optic to use on your firearm. If your caliber is too high, it may damage the riflescope.

        recoil testing machine

        A recoil testing machine

        Vibration Tests – In addition to impact, vibration analysis is also important for rifle scopes. They are usually tested for continuous vibration for 1 to 1.5 hours. Vibration analyses range from low frequency to high frequency. To test robustness, vibration tests are performed on all sides of a scope.

        Drop Testing – Certain optics are dropped from varying heights directly onto concrete. The maximum height that an optic can fall from and still retain functionality is recorded, generally 3 to 6 feet.

        Drop-tested optics are generally not sold to the public. They are either repaired, used in showrooms or employed for training purposes.

        Less Common Tests

        Salt Spray Tests – To confirm resistance to corrosion, optics are also evaluated in a salt spray environment. This is popular because it is inexpensive, quick, well standardized and repeatable.

        Typically, the optic is exposed to dense saltwater fog in a sealed tank for a fixed amount of time. After the exposure, we evaluate the riflescope for functionality.

        Salt spray/corrosion testing chamber

        Salt spray/corrosion testing chamber

        Temperature Tests – Extreme temperatures are also imposed on riflescopes for them to function efficiently at various climatic conditions. Scopes are exposed to subpolar temperatures and scorching heat in a specialized tank. They are evaluated afterwards for functionality.

        Temperature Shift Tests – Fogging of the glass may hinder accurate placement of the reticle. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the scopes for fogging by temperature shift testing in a controlled environment. This helps in acquiring process controls to make the product fog-proof if it fogs during or after the process.

        Sightmark Citadel 1-10×24 HDR

        The Sightmark Citadel 1-10×24 HDR

        Additional Tests

        Water Immersion Tests – Most manufacturers also evaluate these scopes for water immersion for underwater applications. Many factories submerge scopes for a fixed amount of time—and at a fixed depth—and then assess them for functionality.

        Combination Tests – Combined tests are also performed as per the requirement of a product. For example, temperature and vibration procedures can be conducted simultaneously to evaluate the reliability of a riflescope.

         collimator machine to calibrate scopes

        A collimator machine to calibrate scopes


        Riflescopes from Sightmark provide maximum reliability in harsh climatic conditions. Due to their sealed O-ring and purged nitrogen, they adjust for fogging and are water resistant.

        The aforementioned tests ensure Sightmark optics are weather-proof, shockproof and fog-proof, making target acquisition practically a foregone conclusion.

        Riflescopes and other optics are a positive and necessary accessory for firearms users and provide countless advantages to all manners of hunters and shooters.

        Sightmark Scopes Lifetime Warranty

        It is necessary for manufacturers to provide durable riflescopes for the safety and satisfaction of users. Sightmark hits that high bar with every product, every time. 

        Sightmark scopes are warranted free of defects in materials and workmanship with the Sightmark Limited Lifetime Warranty. This policy speaks to Sightmark’s faith in its diverse product offerings.

        Certain products may receive different warranty terms. Be sure to read Sightmark’s Warranty Policy for the exact details.

        Special thanks to John Hamlin for providing this blog content!



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